It's always incredibly difficult to find an answer for the question about who you are. And I am sure you have noticed that the answers may be different in different periods of life. I’ve been a daughter and a mother, a wife and an ex-wife, a doctor and a patient, a friend and an enemy, an atheist and almost ready to become a nun... Now I want you to know me as a person hopelessly in love with yoga, in love with the light and peace you can find within yourself thanks to the regular practice. I sincerely believe that the main thing that a yoga teacher has to do - Is to make you feel that there is something more… And then your personal inner journey begins.
My yoga journey began in 2017, two months after my daughter came into this world. Yoga classes helped me a lot to deal with the back pain, nervous exhaustion and tiredness.
That was like a new life from the very beginning.
On the Yoga mat I relearned to breathe, to move, to balance, to deal with fears and expectations, to accept the reality and to be honest with myself, to build healthy relationships with the world and with others.
I found so much freedom in all those Yoga rules, so many things I can happily live without, so much beauty and light in ordinary things our world is composed of and that was exactly what I felt I had always been longing for.
There are many ways to come to Yoga and each one is unique, but when Yoga happens it doesn’t really matter what was before. My journey started because of the body and for the body and that was my gate to a more subtle world.
Hatha yoga is my way to worship God which dwells inside of us and which we are all part of..